Health & Wellness

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts in behavior change who support and guide clients seeking to improve their health, vitality and overall lived experience by empowering them to explore, discover and engage in behaviors and practices which encourage whole-person wellbeing.  

Your life. By design rather than default. Sounds pretty good, right?


  • The options are endless but to name a few… stress reduction, sleep hygiene, supportive nutrition, movement modalities, body composition, navigation of perimenopause/menopause, mindfulness practices, life transitions.

  • In short, YES! If we all could be exactly who we wanted to be, we’d already be that version of ourselves. We mostly know what to do but struggle to actually do it. Coaching fills in the gap between wanting & doing. It’s the secret sauce that helps you identify your “why” & learn to choose the “you” you want to be.

  • There is no one size fits all in terms of the process of taking inventory of where you are, deciding where you want to go & deciding the route to get there. That said, once there is a clear plan in place & you are on the move towards your goals, according to the brilliant James Clear (author of Atomic Habits), “On average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact.” Investment, yes. Worth however long it takes? Absolutely yes.

  • I offer 1:1 sessions with both virtual and in-person options depending on where you are located. I also offer group work in collaboration with other wellness experts, topic specific workshops & customized special events (hiking excursions with goal setting from the top of a mountain, vision crafting in front of a fire with steaming mugs of goodness, getting intentional with intentions in sweet surroundings before a big event or when entering a new season of life). Not sure what it is you’re looking for? Click on the contact page & request a free mini session. I’d love to know you!

“Listen, are you breathing just
a little & calling it a life?”

-Mary Oliver